Simple Cookie Recipe

Pistokkus Incappaus

On my first go at making this simple cookie recipe, I have to say I was quite dubious. This simple recipe is an old traditional Italian cookie made in Oliena in the Province of Nuoro in Sardinia.

Their proper name is Pistokkus Incappaus.

Simple Cookies From Oliena
Pistokkus Incappaus
simple italian cookie recipe pisticcus incappausu

Ingredients :

For the Cookie

  • 10 Whole eggs
  • 250 g Granulated sugar
  • 250 g Wheat Starch

For the icing

  • 1 egg white
  • 250g – 300g of Icing Sugar


italian anise cookies

Pre-heat oven to 170°C

Prepare a baking tray a rough size of 30cm x 40cm.

Line with a sheet of grease proof paper.

As you can see in the photo my baking tray was quite low so I made sure that paper was left quite high.

You can stable the corners of the paper to ensure the mixture will not spread out.

Preparing the Sponge

whisking eggs and sugar

1. Place the whole eggs in a mixing bowl with the sugar.

Whisk until light and fluffy

Note : The bowl you see in the photo is 7 liters and when the eggs are fully whisked they almost fill the bowl, so choose quite a large bowl.

2. Fold in gently the Wheat Starch

You will find that the mixture is very frothy, hence why I said I was dubious.

It seemed that there wasn't enough flour in the mixture, but...

simple cookie recipe for italian biscotti

4. Pour the mixture in the tray, leaving room for the sponge to rise at least double in height.

5. Place into a hot oven about 170 °C for a good 35 – 40 minutes.

The sponge should be a nice golden color and quite firm to touch.

baked simple cookie recipe



simple tialian biscotti cookies

7. Once baked. Leave to cool for about 10 minutes

Then cut up the sponge into rectangles, see the photo

simple cookie baked twice

8. Place the cookies on a baking tray lined with grease proof paper on their side.

9. Place the tray back in the oven for at least 10 minutes to until they are nice golden color.

10. Now here you can choose whether to leave the cookies in the oven longer  resulting in a dry biscotti or take them out a little earlier leaving them slightly softer.

In the meantime prepare the icing
for this simple cookie recipe

quick icing for biscotti recipe
simple ising for italian biscotti

  • place the egg white in a bowl and whisk it up until it starts to become frothy
  • then stir in the icing sugar adding it a little at a time until you reach a nice thick consistency, that will spread easily but at the same time will not run all over the place 
  • add a teaspoon of fresh lemon zest and give it a quick stir.

Ok the cookies are ready, the icing is ready all you need to do now is spread a little icing on the top of the cookies and leave to dry.

icing italian biscotti
iced italian biscotti

A simple cookie recipe in a true Sardinian Style... Pistoccus Incappausu !

Now if you taste the sponge before you re-bake them  you will notice how light a fluffy it is.

You could use this sponge to make a jam and fresh cream sandwich, which I have actually tried and it was so yummy!!

Simple Sponge Cake With Jam And Fresh Cream

sponge cake with jamd ans cream

Two for the price of one here!!

Happy Baking and do let me know how you get on with this recipe...

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